Temples in Bali

· Travel

Our balinese trip is coming to an end – my summer saga hehe – with the visit of the temples – of which you will find a great number all over the island of Bali.

Some will say that “when you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all”. However, each “Pura” has its own specificity : here are a select few that we visited during our stay.


The rules

Know that various religions cohabit on Bali, but the majority of the inhabitants are hindu. Which means there are a number of beliefs and traditions that can be foreign to us. The most recurring rules to respect when entering temples will be indicated at the entrance :

Decent wear (as in every place of worship)

-Cover your legs with a sarong (sold at the entrance, on markets or in our case, provided by our chauffeur)

-For women, do not visit the temple if you are pregnant, have just given birth or are menstruating – it is considered religiously unpure. (of course no one will be checking, but rules are rules I guess!)

Don’t settle above a priest who is conducting a ceremony (so no climbing on the wall to get that amazing Instagram picture)


The “Canang Sari” offerings

According to the hindu religion, these daily offerings are meant for the Gods of the Mountains, as a token of gratitude.

You will find them not only in the temples, but also in front of shops, houses on the sidewalks (mind your step!).

Each family will devote a moment of their day to making these little flowered boxes out of palm leaves.

During our stay, we took part in a workshop in our hotel, and learned to make them.

This DIY was very interesting – we learned about the codification that goes into the making of these offerings, in respect with the balinese religious tradition.

Which Canang Sari is the prettiest?


Each flower color has a meaning : once the flowers are set up with care, you add little biscuits, a bit of incense etc. I did pretty good, don’t you think?


Pura Goa Gajah
(Elephant cave temple)

This temple hosts the elephant cave. It’s possible to go inside and see the hindu god statuettes, amongst which one of Ganesh, the elephant-headed protecting god.

Once you exit the cave, you can choose to continue on a path with stairs that will bring you deeper in the jungle.


Pura Gunung Kawi
(Rocky temple)

After walking down a road lined with souvenir shops, you’ll find yourself in front of this Indiana Jones worthy temple.

Keep on walking, the road is absolutely amazing : lush greenery, rice fields, a river : is this the way to heaven?


Pura Tirta Empul
(Holy spring water temple)

Located in Tampaksiring, this temple has pools filled with holy water where you can bathe to purify, and make offerings to divinities. .

I didn’t go for a dip, but know that if you feel like it, you can purify your soul by stepping in.


… and the others !

If you are feeling spiritual (or adventurous), here are other temples that might be worth a visit :

Besakih temple : the largest temple in Bali (with the number of tourists visiting, it is apparently recommended to beware of tourist traps in the area)

Goa Lawah temple (the bats temple) : not sure I would have been quite at ease, but if the spirit of Batman is with you, why not.

Pura Ulun Danu Batur temple : a floating temple dedicated to the water godess.


Here we are, our Bali trip ends here! I hope you enjoyed our time together there, even if we didn’t go crazy on the visits and stayed with the more classical options.

It was a wonderful change of scenery, and it did me quite a lot of good. I would highly recommend this destination to whoever is looking for some peace and quiet, it’s an atmosphere you will find there (although maybe not as much in south Bali).

Have a great weekend, we’ll talk soon! (English translation by Marine)


PS: To (re)discover my whole trip in Bali, click here !


  1. Reply


    Comme pour tes précédents billets, cela me conforte dans l’idée de découvrir Bali
    Je me servirai de tes conseils pour un voyage à la fois découverte mais aussi reposant.

    • Reply


      Je suis contente de t’avoir fait découvrir cette île en te souhaitant un prochain voyage réussi ! ^^

  2. Reply


    Trop belles le photos! J’étais à Bali en 2012, mais on a eu droit à de la pluie et a des touriste pas sympa du tout dans notre petit tour, du coup j’ai pas gardé un super souvenir. Mais tes photos me donnent envie d’y retourner!

    • Reply


      ah oui la météo et les gens jouent sur le ressenti d’un voyage c’est sûr… j’espère que tu pourras découvrir la vraie Bali prochainement !

  3. Reply


    j aime tant voyager à travers tes photos, les clichés sont magnifiques!

  4. Reply


    Je n’ai qu’un mot : sublime !!! merci d’avoir partagé avec nous ces moments de folie que vous avez vécu à Bali la merveilleuse !

  5. Reply


    Le seul que j’ai visité parmi ceux que tu cites c’est celui oú l’on se purifie! Ceci dit , même si je ne voulais pas me “purifier”, notre guide balinais indiquait que beaucoup de visiteurs se baignaient et rigolaient et abuser de la tolérance des balinais puisque la purification suppose des pensées “pures”/”spirituel”… Quant aux règles synonyme d’impureté j’avoue que mon féminisme en prend un coup même si ce n’est pas la seule religion à y faire référence …

    • Reply


      oui moi aussi j’ai grincé des dents sur l’impureté des menstruations mais bon… par contre les touristes présents ce jour là étaient assez respectueux dans l’eau bénite ! j’espère que ton séjour s’est bien passé !

      • Reply


        Magnifique et dépaysant … Merci, c’est en partie toi qui m’a convaincu d’y aller!!

  6. Reply


    Nous avions terminé notre séjour dans le Sud et ce n’est pas notre meilleur souvenir non plus, trop de monde, trop d’Australiens, trop…
    J’aurais aimé apprendre à faire les petits présentoirs à offrandes, c’est tellement joli!

    • Reply


      je suis sûre que tu peux trouver un tuto sur Youtube haha 😉

  7. Reply

    Mon Journal Doré

    Les photos sont encore une fois incroyables! Quels paysages magnifiques!

  8. Reply


    Qu’est ce que tes photos sont belles, ça fait 3 fois que je les re-regarde et je ne m’en lasse pas !

    • Reply


      ah ça nous fait plaisir (à mon homme et moi) merci ! : nous revivons notre voyage aussi en regardant les photos !

  9. Reply

    Tahiti Le Blog

    Les photos sont vraiment très belles!

  10. Reply

    Jetlag trips

    Wow ! tes photos sont sublimes !

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