Yes! Yes! Yes! Congratulations! Your geography knowledge is at its best! You found the name of the city I was visiting : Bruges!! The sun was shining (Who says the North only has dreary weather?) and I made a few more than delicious culinary discoveries…but that’s for later. Bruges, one of those incredibly charming cities with all it’s romantic reminders at every street corner : the canals, the small bridges, the tiny alleys, the boats, the carriages…and to balance out this slightly overbearing romantism, the fries with mayonnaise (…ok, I said I’d talk about that later!) and this outfit that seems more appropriate for a music festival, wading through mud….
But it just so happens that this outfit is also very practical when visiting a city…so much for romance. And did you know that the romantic Bruges has its own H&M? And who says H&M says …. small instep wedges! …Alas! Despite all the good vibes this weekend, I didn’t find them there! Bruges might not be so perfect after all … (English translation by Bleu Marine)